Saturday, February 23, 2008

Martha & Mary - Luke 10:40-45

"But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Its been a long time since I led worship as a worship leader. Almost 2 years. Many reasons and many excuses. Its a dry period but I cannot agree more with Matt. He makes all things beautiful in his time.

Yesterday at Growth session I understood yet another of my failings. I was a Martha true and true. Esp in the area of worship leading. Making sure the music was as good as it can be, making sure everyone was in 'sync' and most important of all (or at least it was to me at that time) to carefully pick songs that would speak out to the people. I sometimes pride myself in picking "good" songs. And this song selection craze would sometimes engulf me during a talk by the speaker because I had to choose a closing song. I would "listen" and try to catch key words or phrases from the speaker and look for a song to reflect that theme. I'm sure if you're a worship leader starting out you'll understand.

I was busy. Very very busy. Busy catching tidbits from the speaker. But never allowing myself to just sit at the feet of Jesus and have my soul refreshed. No. Duty then was more important. The same duty that Martha thought she needed to fulfill as lady of the house. So too I felt as worship leader, I had a duty.

But yesterday I was Mary. I was not in a position of duty. So I found myself listening. And my soul understood that Lent is a revisit of the golden thread that binds us to Christ. That golden thread is the covenant/promise that Christ made with us, with me. Lent is a God-given time to really just bring your sins to Jesus and rising again with him. And there are many ways to do this, through self-denial, sacrifices, charity etc. Lent is an exercise of the soul so that we become more aware of Jesus in us. Like a wild horse that needs to be broken. And boy do I need to exercise my fat soul. Fat with complacency and indifference.

The speaker ended on a reflective and contemplative note. The usual practice was to close with a song. No doubt my Martha self would have done that. But as Mary yesterday, I understood that the closing prayer was enough. For then the message of the speaker would have rung loudly in the minds of the people than the clashing of drums and tambourines.

So this is what it means to let God lead. To just be at His disposal, for He is more than capable in helping us fulfill our duty. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. " - Matt 6:33

Indeed dear Lord, as you've said so long ago, "Only one thing is needed." Thank you.

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